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Bronze Sedge - Carex foenea
Other Names:
Carex aenea
State Rank Reason (see State Rank above)
Reported for Montana by Hitchcock & Cronquist (in Glacier Park) and by Dorn. Documented by at least one specimen from Madison County (at WTU); more information is needed.
General Description
Caespitose. Stems erect, 30–60 cm. Leaves: basal blades absent; cauline blades 1–4 mm wide. Inflorescence of 3 to 8 sessile spikes, well-spaced below. Spikes 8–10 mm long, all similar, all female or male flowers basal. Perigynia ascending, green to pale brown, ovate, thin-margined, 4–5 mm long including the ca. 1 mm long serrulate beak; stigmas 2. Female scales green to light brown with lighter margins, ca. as long as the perigynia. Achene 2-sided, smaller than the perigynium (
Lesica et al. 2012. Manual of Montana Vascular Plants. BRIT Press. Fort Worth, TX).
Diagnostic Characteristics
The loose and commonly flexuous inflorescence is useful in distinguishing C. AENEA from other species with similar technical descriptions.
Species Range
Montana Range
Range Descriptions
Range Comments
Collected in Petroleum County; AK to NL south to MT, SD, MI and PA (Lesica et al. 2012. Manual of Montana Vascular Plants. BRIT Press. Fort Worth, TX).
Observations in Montana Natural Heritage Program Database
Number of Observations: 6
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Stewardship Responsibility
- Literature Cited AboveLegend:
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Lesica, P., M.T. Lavin, and P.F. Stickney. 2012. Manual of Montana Vascular Plants. Fort Worth, TX: BRIT Press. viii + 771 p.
- Additional ReferencesLegend:
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Do you know of a citation we're missing?
Jones, W. W. 1901. Preliminary flora of Gallatin County. M.S. Thesis. Bozeman, MT: Montana State College. 78 pp.
Lesica, P., M.T. Lavin, and P.F. Stickney. 2022. Manual of Montana Vascular Plants, Second Edition. Fort Worth, TX: BRIT Press. viii + 779 p.
Rare and Endangered Plants Technical Committee, Idaho Natural Areas Council. 1981. Vascular Plant Species of Concern in Idaho. University of Idaho, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Sciences, Bulletin No. 34. 161 pp.
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