Aquatic Parasites and Jellyfish
- Cnidaria
Colonial Lophophorans
- Bryozoa
- Platyhelminthes
Have no body cavity, but are bilaterally symmetrical with 3 layers of tissues and organ systems.
- Mollusca
Soft bodied animals with an internal or external shell and a toothed tongue or radula. Have a mantle that lines and secretes the shell and a muscular foot that allows for movement.
- Rotifera
- Nematoda
Small, slender worms. Head is radially symmetrical, body is bilaterally symmetrical. Has tubular digestive systems with openings at both ends.
Segmented Worms
- Annelida
Long cylindrical body. Have a fluid-filled cavity (coelom) between the outer body wall and the gut that is typically segmented into a series of compartments.
Spiders, Insects, and Crustaceans
- Arthropoda
Invertebrates with an exoskeleton, bilaterally symmetrical and segmented body with pairs of jointed limbs.
- Porifera
Simplest of all animals. Multicellular, sedentary, and covered with pores. Specialized cells, but no tissues or organs.
- Tardigrada
- Craniata
Have skulls and backbones.