Stems ascending, 3–20 cm. Herbage strigose to villous with non-septate, long-pointed hairs. Leaflets 5–12 mm long; stipules 0.5–3 mm long. Flowers: sepals 3–5 mm long; petals yellow, 6–8 mm long. Capsule 1–2 cm long, pubescent with retrorse hairs; seed ridges white (
Lesica et al. 2012. Manual of Montana Vascular Plants. BRIT Press. Fort Worth, TX).
Montana has 3
Oxalis species.
Dillen's Wood-sorrel -
Oxalis dillenii, likely native
*Habit: A tall, erect forb with short, simple rhizomes. Stems do not root at the leaf nodes.
*Hairs: Long pointed (strigose to villous) but without cross-walls; hairs not septate.
*Capsules: Covered with stiff, straight, sharp,
and appressed hairs (strigose).
Creeping Wood-sorrel -
Oxalis corniculata, exotic
*Habit: A tall, erect forb with short, simple rhizomes. Stems root at the leaf nodes.
*Hairs: Sparsely strigose to strigose-villous to villous, but without cross-walls; hairs not septate.
*Capsules: Sparsely covered with long, stiff (hirsute) hairs.
Common Yellow Wood-sorrel -
Oxalis stricta, likely exotic
*Habit: A tall, erect forb with short, simple rhizomes. Stems do not root at the leaf nodes.
*Hairs: Multi-cellular with purple cross-walls (septate).
*Capsules: Sparsely covered with long, stiff (hirsute) hairs.
POLLINATORS The following animal species have been reported as pollinators of this plant species or its genus where their geographic ranges overlap:
Bombus pensylvanicus (Colla and Dumesh 2010).