Wood Sage - Salvia nemorosa
Other Names:
Woodland Sage, Balkan Clary, Woodland Sage
Rhizomatous perennial. Stems erect, 50–80 cm, simple or branched above. Herbage puberulent to hirsute, aromatic. Leaves petiolate, sessile upward; blades lanceolate to ovate, truncate, 4–10 cm long, serrate. Inflorescence of congested, purple-bracted verticillasters. Flowers: calyx glandular-hirsute, 5–8 mm long, bilabiate, lower lip with 3 apiculate lobes; corolla blue to purple, 9–12 mm long, glandular, puberulent, lower lip small, the middle lobe largest; stamens included in upper lip (
Lesica et al. 2012. Manual of Montana Vascular Plants. BRIT Press. Fort Worth, TX).
POLLINATORS The following animal species have been reported as pollinators of this plant species or its genus where their geographic ranges overlap:
Bombus bifarius,
Bombus melanopygus,
Bombus mixtus,
Bombus nevadensis,
Bombus occidentalis,
Bombus pensylvanicus, and
Bombus impatiens (Thorp et al. 1983, Williams et al. 2014, Tripoldi and Szalanski 2015).