Rhizomatous, perennial herb. Roots woody, aromatic. Stems erect, 30–120 cm, little branched. Herbage pubescent, punctate-glandular, sometimes with stalked glands; stipules small, deciduous. Leaves odd-pinnate with 7 to 15 lanceolate leaflets, 1–4 cm long with acute tips. Inflorescence a dense, spike-like, bracteate, pedunculate raceme, 1–6 cm long, as high as the subtending leaves. Flowers papilionaceous, dull white, calyx tube 3–4 mm long; sepals 2–4 mm long; banner moderately erect, 9–12 mm long; keel 7–11 mm long, as long as the wings; stamens 9 united, 1 separate. Fruit an ellipsoid legume, 1–2 cm long, covered with hooked bristles 2–3 mm long; seeds numerous (
Lesica et al. 2012. Manual of Montana Vascular Plants. BRIT Press. Fort Worth, TX).
POLLINATORS The following animal species have been reported as pollinators of this plant species or its genus where their geographic ranges overlap:
Bombus borealis (Hobbs 1966).