Sticky Mouse-ear Chickweed - Cerastium glomeratum
Other Names:
Sticky Chickweed, Clammy Chickweed,
Cerastium viscosum
Slenderly taprooted annual with hirsute and glandular foliage. Stems ascending to erect, branched at the base, 10–30 cm. Leaves oblanceolate, petiolate below, 8–25 mm long, rarely fascicled. Inflorescence few to many tight clusters or an open cyme; pedicels smaller than the sepals. Flowers: sepals 4–5 mm long with non-glandular, multi-cellular hairs; petals 3–5 mm long. Capsule 7–10 mm long (
Lesica et al. 2012. Manual of Montana Vascular Plants. BRIT Press. Fort Worth, TX).
POLLINATORS The following animal species have been reported as pollinators of this plant species or its genus where their geographic ranges overlap:
Bombus pensylvanicus (Colla and Dumesh 2010).