Sneezeweed - Achillea ptarmica
Other Names:
Sneezewort Yarrow, Wild Pellitory, False Sneezewort
Stems erect, branched above, angled, 30–60 cm. Herbage glabrous below, pubescent above. Leaves cauline, sessile; blades linear-lanceolate, 3–10 cm long, serrulate. Inflorescence leafy-bracteate, of few heads. Involucre 4–6 × 4–8 mm; bracts in 3 series; outer bracts villous, green with brown margins. Rays white, 8 to 10; ligules 4–5 mm long and wide. Disk flowers white,10–30; corolla ca. 3 mm long. Achenes 1–2 mm long (
Lesica et al. 2012. Manual of Montana Vascular Plants. BRIT Press. Fort Worth, TX).
POLLINATORS The following animal species have been reported as pollinators of this plant species or its genus where their geographic ranges overlap:
Bombus bifarius,
Bombus frigidus,
Bombus melanopygus,
Bombus mixtus,
Bombus ternarius, and
Bombus insularis (Thorp et al. 1983, Wilson et al. 2010, Koch et al. 2012).